How can you support
Financial donation
Donate to United Sikhs
I have partnered with United Sikhs
ALL of the donation you give to United Sikhs will go directly towards helping the cause of the Afghan Sikhs
Donate here: https://unitedsikhs.org/donate/
Directly through your own contacts
Political lobbying
Write to elected representatives like congressmen and senators to lobby for giving asylum to Afghan sikhs and hindus
Bring awareness to your local community on the plight of Afghan sikhs and hindus
Use the file below to get a draft of a letter to send to your local poltician.
The draft is editable so insert the name of your politician and their adress
On the bottom two lines, print and sign your name
Lend a helping hand
If you know families and individuals help them resettle in new land
Help their children gain education in the new adopted lands